Crush it at music conferences (without the burnout)

What do toilet roll quality control, East German traffic lights and sneezing have in common? 

Those were part of the Boring Conference programme - slightly less exciting than the music conferences you lucky people get to go to.

Why is it then, that these music/meeting/drinking/party marathons sometimes push you on the edge of a burnout? And isn’t there another way?

With ADE coming up, here are some helpful hacks to make the most of it WHILE enjoying yourself and not lose 3 years of life in the process.


Anyone at the Boring Conference would think that having meetings over some beers, talking about music, eating dinners on company expense and having to choose between dozens of great parties to go to, is the holy grail of trade conferences.

However, it normally looks like this: 

Squeezing meetings after meetings, trying to catch up on work in between those meetings, having to attend ALL of the events of EVERY person you work with, and being extremely under-slept.

It should be fun, but it’s exhausting. 

The good news is: there is another way. Let me introduce you to the Queen of all Productivity Rules: 


You might have heard that 80% of results come from 20% of efforts. Only making 20% of efforts sounds good, doesn’t it? 

Here are some simple hacks to make your conference productive by working smart, not hard.

Hack # 1: Choose your meetings carefully

I always think it’s funny when people boast about how many meetings they have. Darling, it’s time to prioritise quality vs quantity. Who are the most important people you absolutely need to see? And what will that get you? Which meetings will get you closer to your goals? Who can you catch up with over the phone or email instead?

Ask yourself these questions before filling your schedule automatically and saying yes to all the requests.

The same goes for gigs/parties/events: do have to be everywhere? Do you REALLY?

Worry people will be offended or that you'll miss opportunities if you refuse a meeting or don’t show up at an event?

Knowing how to say no and how to avoid fomo is a big part of my Walk This Way coaching programme, so head over here if you’re interested in knowing more - I’d be happy to help you deal with that fomo mofo!

Hack # 2: Make your meetings more efficient

Set a specific intention before each meeting: what exactly do you want out of this? Knowing this will help you direct the conversation and be more focused.

Do you know what the world’s most precious resource is? It’s not gold, oil or water. It’s time. Yours is limited, just like anyone else’s, so don't waste it. Set a small time window for each meeting and let the other person know what to expect.

Oh, and skip the small talk for the love of Majid Jordan. You know those same questions people ask over and over, without really caring about the answer? Start with something interesting or fun instead, you’ll make a much more impactful impression and create more connection - and isn’t that what the whole purpose of the meeting is REALLY about, anyway?

Hack # 3: Be creative

You’re in a creative business so let’s get creative! Wanna check out this amazing art exhibition in the city you’re visiting? Why not mix work and pleasure and do some meetings while walking around a museum? Extra points for impressing your client with your originality.

Tight on time? Do group meetings where possible, or delegate and split up from your assistant/colleague temporarily: double the amount of meetings in the same amount of time, result!

Now that you’ve saved time from planning your schedule carefully and being more productive, and since you’re in a cool/new/inspiring city, why not using this extra time to do something nice? I don’t know about you, but I’ve been in Amsterdam many times and never get bored of all it has to offer. Play is normally mixed with work in this business, and it’s about time the reverse was also true


A music conference should not cause you to have a mini-burnout, and nor should your career.

Take 10m to reflect and plan your next conference, and see how different your experience is.

If you’d like help and support so you can avoid burnout, book your free consultation now! 

