How to pivot your career in or out of music


With so much uncertainty and instability in the world and the music industry right now, adapting to changing environments is becoming essential. 

If you’re considering pivoting your career in or outside the music industry, and you don’t know where to start or how to go about it, this is for you.

I’ll be giving you some tips on how to get a fresh start, how to clarify who you are and what you want, so that you can explore what new careers are possible for you.

First of all, if you’ve lost your job due to Covid, my heart goes to you - I know how anxiety-inducing unemployment can be (been there). Or maybe you’re wanting to change careers because you feel unhappy, frustrated or unfulfilled in your current one (been there too). Research shows that most people will have 3 careers and 8+ jobs during their lifetime, a trend predicted to rise to 10 careers and 40 jobs in the future!

Life is too short to spend 8+ hours/day doing something you don’t enjoy. You deserve better than that. As you grow and evolve, your career should evolve right alongside you. 

So, where do you begin?

I’ll tell you where NOT to start. If you’re updating your CV and applying to any and every job you come across: stop. right. here. Your career pivot should be done from the inside out, rather than from the outside in. Here are some steps to get you started. 

1- Have a fresh start

Train your mind to stay positive and empowered so you can maximise your chances of success. 

Being unemployed, in a society that defines people as what they do, can trigger feelings of shame or low self-worth. Consider this as a pause instead (one that most of us will experience at some point in our lives) and an opportunity to assess where you’d like to go with your career, so you can become more aligned with your current passions or priorities.

Let go of any unhelpful beliefs, thoughts or emotions that don’t serve you - whether they’re about yourself, the music industry or anything else related to your career.

Don’t let them hold you back or sabotage your progress. 

The music industry is in crisis? Yes AND things are in flux which gives rise to new possibilities, away from an old paradigm that wasn’t sustainable. You think you don’t have enough experience? You can gain more AND demonstrate how valuable and relevant your existing experience is.

Stay open and curious like the beginner who has zero preconceptions of how things work, or expectations about what will happen

Get excited about the future, about taking on a new challenge or helping shape the music industry of tomorrow!


2-  Get clear about who you are and what you want

Understanding yourself is a crucial step that’s easily missed because no one taught you to look within. Identifying what salary or position you’re aiming for are external things - they come afterwards.

What is most important to you in your work life? Freedom? Stability? Achievement? Creativity?

What is your purpose, your why? What is the unique mission your Soul is yearning for you to manifest? What’s the impact you wanna have in the music industry or the world?

What does success look like for you? How does having a successful career feel like, on a day to day basis? If you’re forgetting the day to day and only focus on the end result, you’re missing the point

Don’t identify yourself with your current job title: you’re not just an agent or a dj - you’re much more multifaceted than that. List all the knowledge and experience you’ve gained over the years. Think laterally here: for example, you may have learned a lot about teamwork or resilience to failure from playing a team sport. 

Identify all the skills, strengths, qualities and talents that you have. Not sure what you’re good at anymore? Check out this resource and discover your hidden talents. And then truly OWN what makes you great. If not you, then who? 

Knowing who you are and what you want will help you make the best decision for yourself whilst you pivot your career and as you keep progressing in the future.

It’s your personal GPS which will guide your choices and ensure you don’t go off-course.

3. Create an inspiring vision

Right now you may have a very narrow vision of what’s possible for you in your career and you restrict yourself to what you think is possible, and what is ‘realistic’.

Instead, widen your horizon and dream big.

Get inspiration from your role models. Brainstorm with someone. Connect with your imagination, creativity and intuition. Include some really crazy ideas.

Once you have a big list of possible options, narrow down and refine your vision. What is most aligned with what’s important to you? Which options will help you reach success as you’ve defined it? Which choices will help you manifest your purpose?

4. Design an action plan

After you’ve done that self-exploration, create an action plan, so you can move forward and stay on track.

Research the new career paths that are the best fit. Explore what type of organization you want to work in, what salary you’d like, what kind of people you’d enjoy working with and for.

If there are any gaps in your skillset or experience think about how you’ll bridge that gap. Nurture and expand your network. Learn and get support from coaches or mentors. And finally, update your CV, LinkedIn, and craft your pitch so you can clearly communicate what you can offer and what you’re looking for. 

In order to pivot your career successfully you have to start with YOU, because at the end of the day you’re not just looking for another job, right?

You’re looking to find a career that fits with your skills and purpose, and makes you feel passionate, happy and fulfilled for many years to come.

If that resonates with you, and you don’t want to stay stuck or lost for years like I did before I pivoted my own career, get in touch now.

I’ve created Walk This Way, a 1-1 coaching program designed to give you the guidance and support you need to pivot your career with clarity and confidence, either within or outside the music industry.

Book your free consultation today and let’s chat. A new career that you love is waiting for you!

CareerAriane ParasSuccess, Covid-19